Curricular Connections

Using Art in the Classroom

Works of art provoke rich, multilayered meaning-making in ways unlike other disciplines. They raise questions, evoke connection-making, and in many ways transform the shape of inquiry. For more information see The Artful Thinking Final Report page 12.


When can We Use Art in the Classroom?

There are many ways to connect art to the curriculum, from targeted connections between the content of artworks and specific topic or themes, to more open-ended approaches that leave loose the directions in which a work of art will lead. Artful Thinking is in favor of any and all curricular connections, so long as students are invited to think directly and deeply about an artwork itself. For more information see The Artful Thinking Final Report page 13.


Using Art with Curricular Topics

AIDS virus, American Revolution, Colonial America, Density, Depression Era, Diversity, Ecosystems, Electricity, Empathy, Explorers, Genetics, Harlem Renaissance, Immigration, Justice, Land forms, Light & Sound, Maps, Multiplication, Mythology, Native Peoples, Navigation, Novels, Opera, Patriotism, Persuasive Writing, Plants, Politics, Population Density, Primary Sources, Railroads, Religion, Seasons, Silk Route, Simple Machines, States of Matter, Supply & Demand, Symmetry, Tessellations, Topography, Water, Weather, World Wars…

bearden_theblock2 MiroAidez_Lespagnedave_foghornsrivera_contradictionssioux_baby_cradledurer_turfWWI_Cottage_Cheeseharnett_oldviolinpolk_lagerbertrand_jordanhesse_metronomickeiji_shiroharabirmingham_campaigndogshiroshige_MtFujischiele_deathandthemaidenlewishein_coal_minersjeonLeon_duel